Friday, February 13, 2009

cDNA with Titanium

When I went to the Titanium chemistry release party back in September 2008, I had the opportunity to chat with a bunch of other 454 faciity directors. One comment that I heard several times was that no one really ran cDNA (mostly due to the adapter issue, see previous post on cDNA preparation). I feel pretty comfortable with sequencing cDNA (mostly Evrogen and Bio S&T normalized) with the FLX though it does give lower amounts of data (usually 60-80 Mb). Now with Titanium, I'm hearing from the Roche/454 people that cDNA is not "ideal". Does anyone have any experience with cDNA on Titanium? We've done a few and the results have been disappointing (low filter pass, only ~20% of anticipated data, etc).


  1. Were the cDNA libraries you sequenced using Titanium prepared following the protocol you mentioned in your previous post "cDNA for pyrosequencing" with Sfi1 digestion etc?

  2. Hi Freya- Thanks for your comment. The cDNA for this particular run was constructed by Evrogen using their Trimmer Direct kit.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As I was trying to say before I accidentally deleted my comment - we have heard that the Evrogen Kit in particular may cause problems for 454 using the Titanium chemistry.

  5. I have completed a library with Titanium chemistry and got close to a million reads. We got about 350 MB of sequence data total. The average contig size after assembly (lucy/cap3 worked better than newbler) was about 600 bp. The range was up to 9 kb for the largest contig.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. can download my protocol here: I've used it with luck on the titanium platform even though it was originally put together when I was using FLX.
